Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy birthday, Oregon!

One of the cool things about Valentine's Day is that it coincides with Oregon's birthday. This year the state will be 152 years old. Not quite as old as granite, but you get the idea. Teri and my relationship is much younger. This Valentine's Day we celebrate one year of being engaged, and what a year it has been. The Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl. I did back to back 100-mile bicycle rides (century rides) over the Blue Mountains. Teri started on a huge quilt, and I continued my Younger Next Year program. We celebrated the birth of a new great-niece, Piper Joy, and began getting our act together for the Wedding of the Century, 9-10-11. Mainly we just lived one day at a time living well, laughing often and loving gobz.

1 comment:

  1. AND... we moved to a NEW home .... from the one I had lived in for 14 years.... imagine the accumulation... some I don't have to imagine, I am still sorting through it. YIKES.

    But OH yes, what a year it was and what years we will have.
