One of the great joys of my life is writing a weekly column for the La Grande (Oregon) Observer. The column has provided good therapy to help me get through some tough times. Sometimes with humor, sometimes with poignancy, occasionally with both, I've written about anything and everything. Writing the column helped me get through late wife Tina's untimely death at age 48 due to complications of diabetes and autoimmune inner ear disease. Writing the column also helped me get through my own diagnosis with the chronic condition, neurogenic bladder. Figuring other people face similar challenges and may learn from my experience, I've written about recovery from grief and about beginning to date again after a 25-year hiatus. I've written about becoming engaged to Teri and all the special challenges and joys that involved. Go to and click on "opinion." Then click on "columnists," and then on "Jeff Petersen's columns." Then scroll down to Feb. 18 and click on "Yes!!!!!"
But mostly I've written about what people can do, ways they can think about things and solve problems, how they can reduce stress and put things in perspective, to make their own lives better, more enriching. If I can sprinkle on a little humor to help the medicine go down, it's all good.
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